Route Servers
VarnaIX have two route servers placed in different locations. All members are strongly adviced to use both route servers in their BGP sessions
Route server 1
- ASN: 48355
- ipv4:
- ipv6: 2001:7f8:db::4:8355:1
Route server 2
- ASN: 48355
- ipv4:
- ipv6: 2001:7f8:db::4:8355:2
BGP community tags for sending/receiving prefix announcements to/from route servers
VarnaIX offers flexible routing policy thru BGP communities. Every member can do own bgp filtering to who to annonce and from who to receive
Sending to route servers
- prefixes tagged with 1:48355 - route servers will send to all members
- prefixes tagged with 1:ASN - route servers will send to member with that ASN
- prefixes tagged with 0:48355 - route servers will _NOT_ send to any members
- prefixes tagged with 0:ASN - route servers will _NOT_ send to member with that ASN
- By default (if no tags 1:48355 or 0:48355 are pressent) route servers automaticaly will add tag 1:48355
Receiving from route servers
- All prefixes member receiving from route servers are tagged with 48355:ASN
- Where ASN is member's ASN who annonce these prefixes or member's remapped ASN-tag
- All prefixes come from members connected in Varna city are tagged with 48355:64700
- All prefixes come from members connected in Burgas city are tagged with 48355:64701
Remaping 32bit Autonomus systems to 16bit BGP community
To can fit 32 bit long ASN in 16 bit long bgp community tag, must do remaping. It is based on last octed of the member's ip address assigned on member's main port.
- Member's ASN is 202020(32bit) and member router IP address is
- BGP community tag for that member will be 65066
Multipath reception
If member's equipment support multipaths (add-path bgp extension), will receive all paths for a prefix known of the VarnaIX route servers, depending of the bgp communities tags. Cisco, Nokia, Alcatel, Huawei and some linux bgp implementations support this feature. Please check your bgp configuration manual for more information.
- ASNNNNN connected to ASM1
- ASNNNNN connected to ASM2
- ASM1 connected to VarnaIX
- ASM2 connected to VarnaIX
- ASM3 connected to VarnaIX and will receive paths for ASNNNNN from both ASM1 and ASM2, Best path decision is made from ASM3.
ROA and IRR Validation
Route Servers do a ROA and IRR validation of the prefixes announced thru them, set special community tags, but do not block Invalid/Not found states by default. All "valid" prefixes are with local preference of 100, "not found" with 10, and "invalid" with 5. This logic guarantees if there is "valid" and "invalid"/"not found" prefix, only the valid one will be announced. Every member can do it own BGP filtering in the input route map based on these community tags. If a member would like by default the route servers to block these prefixes not only mark them to him, please contact us. ROA update cycle is every one hour and IRR update is once a day. We strongly advice every VarnaIX member to sign its own prefixes with ROA on coresponding RIR site, or contact the resource holder (LIR) to do it. For more info you can see Technical Examples (comming soon).
- community tag 48355:64666 prefix is invalid
- community tag 48355:64667 prefix is without ROA and IRR
On the looking glass section you can check which prefixes currently announced in the VarnaIX are "invalid" / "not found". If you find mistakes, please let us know, ROA+IRR data collecting is done from all 5 RIRs and RADB. Currently we are using two ROA+IRR cache servers in separate phisical locations, but as more they are as more stable will be the system.
RPKI validation server
- IPV4:
- IPV6: 2001:7f8:db::4:8355:250
- Port: 8323
- *The server can be accessed only from VarnaIX (IPV4/IPV6) exchange network